
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2010

Cek Online Komputermu sebelum install game

  Mo ngegame tapi ragu lag ato nggak? Ngapain ragu? sekarang ada kok fasilitas online yang bisa buat ngecek spek kompimu cocok pa gak ma game yang mo kalian mainkan.


MAGIC #1 Orang India menemukan bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat membuat FOLDER di komputer dengan program Microsoft manapun dengan judul folder “CON”, “LPT1″, “COM1″. Ini merupakan hal nyata dan seluruh kru Microsoft sendiri tidak dapat menjawabnya kenapa hal ini bisa terjadi. Cobalah dengan membuat sebuah folder dengan nama CON atau con. contoh : Bukalah My Document -> File -> New -> Folder -> ketik CON atau Con atau con Apa yang terjadi?

Eboostr, Solusi Bagi RAM Kecil

Kalo kamu suka maen game di komputer, pasti sering banget deh ngerasain game yang kamu maenin ga berjalan dengan lancar. Suka ngelag lah, freezing lah, eror lah. Salah satu penyebabnya mungkin salah satu spek komputer kamu ga mencukupi persyaratan sistem yang game kamu butuhin, alhasil game pun berjalan dengan ga lancar. Emang apa aja sih hardware yang paling mempengaruhi kinerja komputer waktu dipake maen game? Jawabannya yaitu VGA, Prosesor, dan RAM. Tapi sekarang saya mau ngebahas RAM dulu deh hehe. RAM itu singkatan dari Random Access Memory. Menurut Wikipedia, definisinya yaitu sebuah tipe penyimpanan komputer yang isinya dapat diakses dalam waktu yang tetap tidak memperdulikan letak data tersebut dalam memori. RAM sangat mempengaruhi kecepatan kerja dan respon komputer kamu. Semakin kecil RAM yang kamu punya, semakin lambat juga respon komputer kamu. Makanya, kalo kamu mau komputer kamu makin cepet, salah satu caranya yaitu dengan beli RAM baru ke toko elektro...

UniBlue Collection (must have)

Uniblue Registry Booster 2010 + Serial Number Fiuh akhirnyaa ketemu juga nih software! Softwarenya sih kagak langka, tapi cracknya itulooh susah bgt deh ketemunyaaa x( Akhirnya setelah perjalanan panjang menyusuri kediaman google ketemu juga serial numbernya. Oh iyaa kalian tau gak kegunaan Uniblue Registry Booster? Gak cuman buat ngebersihin registry ajaa, software ini bisa juga men-"solve" berbagai masalah dalam komputer yg disebabkan oleh registry yg konflik dan eror. Kamu pernah gaa ngalamin komputer kamu tiba2 jadi lambat bgt? Atau komputer kamu tiba2 crash dgn sendirinya? Bisa jadi itu karena ada registry yg bermasalah. Tiap kali kamu instal atau uninstal software, atau ubah setingan komputer, registrynya otomatis terupdate dan ada kemungkinan bisa jadi terdapat file berbahaya, registry yg terfragmentasi, dan juga bisa menimbulkan berbagai masalah komputer. Klo lama2 dibiarin kaya gitu, bisa jadi komputer kamu bakal terjadi kegagalan sistem dan be...

Cara Mendapatkan Quicktime Player 7 Pro dengan gratis! (Free Full QuickTime Player 7 Pro)

Pertama, aku mau kasih tau dulu, apa itu Quicktime Player? Quicktime Player adalah sebuah program multimedia keluaran Apple yang dibuat oleh Steve Jobs dan Steve Wozniak. Quicktime Player 7 Pro lebih lengkap kualitasnya dibandingkan dengan yang versi gratis. Namun, tentu saja kita harus membelinya. Sedangkan saya yang tidak punya rekening (hiks) lebih memilih untuk mendapatkannya secara gratis. Kalau bisa dapet gratis, kenapa harus bayar? :z :z :D Nah, kedua, di sini aku bakal kasih tau Cara Mendapatkan Quicktime Player 7 Pro dengan gratis! (Free Full QuickTime Player 7 Pro)

Ultimate list of all Keyboard Shortcut !!

Are a hardcore Computer user .. then you would surely know how it is to use keyboard instead of mouse... Yes keyboard rocks.. So if you are the kind we are talking about .. then look no further that this page..Here is the Ultimate list of all keyboard shortcuts you will ever use on a Windows..

Installer Packet

Install multiple apps at once without toolbars or clicking Next. 1. Pick your favorite software below. 2. Click "Get Installer" and run it. 3. You're done! No Toolbars Ninite says "No" to toolbars and other junk. No Clicking Ninite automates installers offscreen. 32 and 64-bit Ninite installs the best version of an app for your PC. International Ninite installs apps in your PC's language. Fast No manual labor means installs finish quickly. And More Ninite Pro has even more features. Learn more

Cara Menghapus w32.downadup

Berikut cara menghapus w32.downadup : 1. Temporarily Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). [how to] 2. Update the virus definitions. 3. Reboot computer in SafeMode [how to] 4. Run a full system scan and clean/delete all infected file(s) 5. Delete/Modify any values added to the registry. [how to edit registry] Navigate to and delete the following registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\netsvcs\Parameters \”ServiceDll” = “[PATH OF WORM EXECUTABLE]”

Trik Menyadap SMS Orang


Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Hacker????

____________________ ___ ___ ________ \_ _____/\_ ___ \ / | \\_____ \ | __)_ / \ \// ~ \/ | \ | \\ \___\ Y / | \ /_______ / \______ /\___|_ /\_______ / \/ \/ \/ \/

Internet Millionaire Indonesia

Keahlian yang diperlukan untuk Internet MAP #1 (Millionaire Action Plan): • Pernah surfing atau browsing di Internet o Mozilla, Internet Explorer • Memiliki email o o • Pernah menggunakan MsWord o , Frontpage Express • Bisa Copy & Paste o Pelajari dari tutorial MsWord • Bisa download tools yang Anda perlukan disini: o Langkah 1: Ambil Lembaran kerja di Print worksheet1.pdf sebagai lembaran kerja Anda Duduk dengan tenang, dan mulai isi poin no.1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e sejelas-jelasnya (ini resep dari Bapak Tung Desem Waringin – Mentor & Success Coach Indonesia, Ini juga resep dari Mark Victor Hansen – Pengarang buku Chicken Soup for The Soul) Penjelasan untuk pengisian Langkah 1: 1A. Semakin spesifik keinginan Anda, semakin baik. Misalnya Anda ingin membeli MP3 baru dari uang hasil bisnis Internet Anda. 1B. Waktu yang Anda akan ...


RF Online V6.0 RF Online What Do You Need To Know ! RF Online: The value of grades when you add things in Shop RF Online: Id types of items RF Online: Creating structures RF Online: GMP v1.0 RF Online: Creating your own triggers RF Online: SA-A Skill RF Online: Auto-Up RF Online: Troubleshooting Appserver RF Online: RF Online Sourcecode (Client + Server + Engine) RF Online: Graphic Driver Crashing RF Online 2.2.1: Item Code & Command List RF Online 2.2.3: GM Commands RF Online Working Tools Microsoft SQL server 2000 Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL server 2005 Enterprise Edition Microsoft SQL server 2005 Express Edition AppServ UltraEdit DataRescue-IDA-Pro   RF Online Clients RF Online Giga4 Ep2: Part 1 RF Online Giga4 Ep2: Part 2 RF Online 2.2.3: Client V002 Fixed RF Online Web Installing RF Online Web RF Online: Checking web server RF Online: Statistics RF Online: This site is beta-version RF Onli...

RF Online 2.1.6: Scripts for server GoldPlanet 6up

scripts: 1 Relics cache 60 armor shop in stores 2 70 and 85 armor weapons 3 Bijan 40 \ 35 35 \ 30 in stores 4 60 myavki (if you have a limit lvl 60 there are set titles and Fri) 5 armor in the extraction of 85 Dungey (keys fall from queens metalelfov in the grid) of prescription-50 ore all tsvetoh +99 identification chips (extracted from the trees on the ether) 50 basalt of all colors and 99-chip metal arms 50 chips and 99-gun ( combination of the hero 6 armor in the extraction of 70 su on stone golem armor-captains caste Narumi 7 glucoside with flemov 8 price on resy MS with triceps raised 9taliki with flemov bullies in the GSH 10 T5 Magazev 11 modifiers for 85 armor with tanks in the grid PS Haydee all the things you can learn looking at the name of the client and finding her number in acc Servais serv customer

RF Online 2.1.5: Giga4 Episode2 Up5 PVP Edition

Put to any server 5 Update -Blue Air -Normal antirads and capsules shift prof. Animus-level 55 -CashShop from NPC -Relics -Blue Mau -Jewelry -Bullets from the supplier for the normal price -Fixed a lot of bugs and shortcomings. -all that was on when I was pvpvare 5apdeyt - server scripts password pvpwar - Patch the game.

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Installing the server side )

Server Installation Requirements. 2,003 * Windows x64 \ Windows 2008 x64 * Preferably 2x core processor 2.0 GHz * 4 giga operatives. What we need: * Direct hands. * Brains. * Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise. * Links to the assembly: ?!?!?!?!

RF Online 2.2.1: Clean 2.2.1 RF Online.bin RF Online Making Server

Here's the bin that is such a nightmare to find for 2.2.1. Seems kinda silly that the server files released but nobody ever released the proper client stuff. I can understand why tho, kinda filters out most people from being able to try and setup a private server. Anyways, here's what most of you are looking for. With that in mind - Clean RF_Online.bin: [Download - FileFront] - [MegaUpload - Mirror] Added clean launcher configured for - [Download - FileFront] - [MegaUpload - Mirror] Both are unpacked and can be hexed cleanly.


This is the RFO RFS->MSH/ (RFT->DDS) Decrypter. [DDS is a Texture file format. You can view this with the Gimp+DDS Plugin].

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Basic editing of .eff files )

I've been requested to repost a few guides from RF-Dev here, so here you go. This was originally posted by Night from RF-Dev. I take no credits for anything on RF-Dev I did not create myself. ______________________ This tutorial will show you how to edit an items .eff file, which controls how the item will interact with the alpha layer (if it has one). This is particularly useful for changing the glows on level 55 and 60 armors, or to change the color of glows for each type of armor for a race (ie; purple force glow, blue melee glow, red ranger glow. First step, identify the .eff that controls the armor you wish to edit. An easy example is inside the Chef\eff\60LV_WHITE folder, you will find all the 60 armor's set ups. The names of each make it pretty clear which piece is which, and the suffix number shows which set it belongs to (013 is melee, 014 is ranger, 015 is force/launcher). The easiest thing to is to find a piece of any armor that already has the effec...


I happened to notice that the other threads on texturing are a little bit outdated, and somewhat hard to understand for beginners. So, I've decided to make a complete step by step guide, with screenshots included. I'll walk you through step by step on your first set of textures, which will be bellato male force 55 armors (sorry if this isnt what you want, but it will teach you how to do it). Lets begin! Required downloads Adobe Photoshop - This is an absolute requirement. There are some other programs you can texture with, but they all suck to be honest. You will need a registered copy of photoshop if you want to make high quality textures. You need to find your own copy. There are all sorts of illegal and legal methods to get one, and obviously I can't share a torrent of cracked PS on here. Just use google or demonoid. RF Crypt Tools - This is a package of four applications that are used by dragging and dropping certain file types onto them in order to ...


Download Archive Extract and send all cursors in the C: \ Windows \ Cursors \ Next, open the Control Panel> Mouse tab cursors Change the max clip theme Windows Default (my British Wind, Do not know how you do) and replace the cursors

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Creation of temporary objects )

I'll show the example already set up temporary things What we need: 1.DatEdit 2.sootvetstvuyuschie structure: TimerItem.strs for the client and server and Item.strs 3.takzhe head on his shoulders and sleight of hand So take as a basis Flag Korita


So what we need: 1) Direct hands and brains 2) DatEditor 3) Strkutury Store.strs, StoreList.strs and Item.strs, Store.edf (dat)-taken from the client from the client in your DataTable StoreList.dat-We take it to the server side in the Scripts folder Item.edf (dat)-also taken from the client folder DataTable 4) EDF DECRIPTR to customize the files from edf to dat So start 1) Georgia store.strs and store.dat (Pre raskpreptirovav in EDF DECRIPOTR) 2) Georgia storelist.strs and storelist.dat 3) Georgia Item.dat and Item.strs 4) Choose the desired NPCs for example

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Edit text files in the client )

Music in the launcher LauncherMessage PHP Code:


Client configuration: Open the file "RF.exe" in a Hex editor. Press "Ctrl + F" to start the search pane. In the search box, type "": receive the following

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (RF Online 2.1.5: UpdateMaker+How to make it work)

How it works? 1. Goto "Rising Force Online" folder and hex to your IP. Place it to your client root folder. 2. Create folder, where you need to place files that your players will download. Place also rf_online.bin and RF.exe. Keep folder structure as in client. Create folder "Download" in the root folder of your web. 3. Launch RF_Update.exe, click "Open Directory", choose rf_online.bin. Click "Make Update", choose folder "Download", that you've created and wait untill it fill finish. 4. Place content from folder "www" in the archive into your web root folder. Edit serverconfig.dat,update.dat and update.dll - replace with your IP. You've done! Start RF.exe and watch the process.

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Admin/GM Tool, Pre Release Demo/Feedback )

Features: Staff Permissions IP Banning Temporary Banning Password Changing (*) Account Information (*) Account Search Character Banning Character Editing (*) Character Restoration/Deletion IP Searching (*) Manage Staff Accounts (*) Search Staff Accounts (*) Search Characters

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Ports you need to open)

For work of your server, you need to open such ports: 27780 (World) 27781 or 10001 (Login. There are two variants of ports, depends on your LoginServer)


Go on admin panel - CSP by server-studio, completely free, open source, all functions! Attention, distribute converted your code, is prohibited! Use of health:) Download Password for archive: Setting:


Download: dump C People 


Screens: #1 #2

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (This site is beta-version )

  Web site under a private server for beginners! This site is beta-version not missed Simple v1.0 Screen :


Online players PHP Code: Code <? $file = file ("c:\RF_Server\SystemSave\ServerDisplay.ini"); foreach($file as $line) { if(strspn($line, "[") != 1) parse_str($line); } function statuscheck($serverip, $port) { $sockres = @fsockopen($serverip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$sockres) { return "<img src=/images/off.gif>"; } else { @fclose($sockres); return "<img src=/images/on.gif>"; } } //MSSQL settings $dbuser = 'sa'; $dbpasswd = '******'; // пароль к базе $base = "RF_WORLD"; $dbhost = "\SQLEXPRESS,61433"; $conn=mssql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpasswd); $selected=mssql_select_db('RF_World', $conn); $query ='SELECT t1.Name,t1.Lv, t1.Serial,t2.PvpPoint,t2.[Kill],t2.Death,t3.OnlineStatus,t3.Map FROM tbl_base AS t1, tbl_pvporderview AS t2, tbl_general AS t3 WHERE t1.Serial = t2.Serial and t2.Serial = t3.Serial and DeleteName = "*...

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Checking web server )

This script checks the server to support MS SQL, ioncube, and so on, for stable operation with RF Online.


Download: 1) (Apache) 2) Install it Settings: 1) Ok, lets go in AppServ (where whe did we install Apache) 2) Go in the folder php5 and find 2 files: php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended And find following lines:


[URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part01.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part02.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part03.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part04.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part05.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part06.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part07.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part08.rar[/URL] [URL=""]PlayRF_EU_Client_V002.part09.rar[/URL]


%bad allocation %invalid datetime %invalid datetime spawn %change degree %respawn start                    (start monster respawn) %respawn stop                    (stop monster respawn) %allmuzi %altexp <exp number>                         (rollback exp lost) %jump                     %pass dungeon %transparent                             (transparent mode on) %no transparent    ...

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Graphic Driver Crashing )

Graphic Driver Crashing Q] Well i've been having problems with my Graphic Driver Dying, how can i fix this A] After Working weeks on figuring this out ( I'm so dumb! ) I've had a Intel Graphics Controller on board That wasn't uptodate this is how you fix this problem 1] Go to you're Graphic Driver Provider Website for example Intel would be 2] find your graphic driver by going to your Display System or go to Start>run>dxdaig>Graphics> 3] Find You're Driver Download The update 4] Install & Restart your computer 5] If You have a crappy Card / old,etc lower you're graphic details in R3Engine.ini If you have a good Graphic Card:


I obtained these files and I found out they are really old (2004) but I thought these might help some people. This package includes: * Full RF Online Client Sourcecode 

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Troubleshooting Appserver )

Who has problems with AppServ, who have white screen of the Web (MSSQL 2005). Solution: 1.If you AppServ 2.5.8 version should change it to \ 2.5.10 \ 2.6.0 2.If you are versions above perechislinye configure php.ini in \ WINDOWS, open, look for:; extension =


Auto-Up for any server: Create a txt file copy/paste there code, change the name of the zone on his own, closing the store, after changing the format (with txt put bat) After suem in the folder where the zone, and We cut. PHP Code: Code


eft - dq specials. skills, the right - the coefficients 1 - increase of sp --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 2 - The cost of the OP --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 3 - Increase accuracy --- (1 = 1 accuracy) 4 - Increase in gradient --- (1 = 1 slope) 5 - Increased hp / fp --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 6 - Increase in Attacks --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 7 - Increase Defense --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 8 - The level of skills --- (1 = 1 ureven skills) 9 - Subtlety --- (0) 10 - obnoruzhenie --- (1) 11 - Removes the protective ability 12 - Increase Races --- (1 = 1 to run) 13 - to disclose the vulnerability of the enemy 14 - Regen OP 15 - Increase Mag. attack --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 16 - Increase FP --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 17 - Vampiriz --- (1 = 100%, 0,1 = 10%) 18 - Vampirik OP 19 - Probability of Crete. attack --- (1 = 1 to ver. crit.) attacks 20 - Radius attack --- (1 = 1 to the radius of attack) 21 - Protection (will be applicable only to May) 22 - Increase time отриц...

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Creating your own triggers )

Any Triger actually written on the pattern. Template with necessary comments shown below: Code: Code USE [] - name used by the base GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [] - name Triger      ON [dbo]. [] - Name of the table, which carries Triger      FOR UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON;       IF UPDATE () - Name of the field, during the upgrade which is performed Triger BEGIN - Body Triger - Here are written the actions that must occur - When performing Triger END END Below is an example Triger, which limits Qual Persians 65m level after they have completed a quest to unblock pumped 56m level. Code: Code USE [RF_WORLD_NOVUS] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [MaxLv]      ON [dbo]. [Tbl_general]      FOR UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON;    ...


All GM Commands Download i translated the GM commands and don't want to open new post xD because i only translate to english ^^ is not my work...   Download English

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Creating structures )

We need: 1) The brain and direct hands 2) Dateditor 3) Notepad or any text editor 4) Knowledge of at least a client device and rfki dat files Files with an extension of structures strs and open text editor I. Types of data and their attributes u8-integer occupy 1 byte (0 to 256) u16-integer occupy 2 bytes (from 0 to 65535) u32-integer occupies 4 bytes (from 0 to 16777215) cstr-text x8-16-decimal number occupy 1 byte (00 to FF) x16-16-decimal number occupy 2 bytes (from 0000 to FFFF) x32-16-decimal number is 4 bytes (from 0 to FFFFFFFF) float - floating point number ( D0% A7% ... 82% D0% BE% D0% B9) Attributes for data types such as u * and x * and float as) tag = "name", the name of the block b) hidden = number-if the number = 1, then the block is hidden Attributes for cstr a) len = "number", text length in bytes (1 byte character coded) For rfki server is running normally in Id were recorded with 64 a...

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (Id types of items )

A small plaque dedicated to the ID type of objects in a client RF Online. Full ID of any object in the client consists of two ID: * ID Type * ID object ID object for different types of objects may be the same, unlike the ID types of objects, which have all different. For example the object ID of different pieces of armor one lvla have the same ID, and ID are similar to some other ID items in the game, but they differ in the types of ID subjects. This table is relevant for all the ups, starting with 2.1.5 and ending with 2.2.3, only 2.1.5 is no coupons, and ID types in all flavor identical. Also there are 8 ID types, which include the details mow, but they are not listed in the table due to the fact that we never used.

RF ONLINE SERVER SIDE GUIDE (The value of grades when you add things in Shop )

01 - Torso 02 - Trousers 03 - Perch 04 - Bots 05 - Helmet 06 - Weapons 07 - Shield 08 - Grave 09 - Ring 10 - Amulets 11 - Bullets 12 - Device Production, modifier, instruction Leon 13 - Banks, dopy 14 - Вешь Bags 15 - Battery for OMB and easy to BU 16 - Ore 17 - Resources (portioning precipitations, etc.) 18 - Lighthouses 19 - Keys mau 20 - Resy (glucose Bim and ending modifier) 21 - Maps 22 - Teleports 23 - Activation Keys gates 24 - Lighthouses animus 25 - Turrets 26 - Mina 27 - Precipitation 28 - Tickets for the shuttle 29 - Items for teleportation to orped. loki 30 - Capsules cue experiment 31 - Boxes 32 - fireworks 33 - Drilling Rigs 34 - Radar 35 - Pagers 36 - Coupons

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

====> K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.9 Domoro mau sharing lagi program freeware yang amat menarik. Pasti sudah tahu kan tentang Media Player Classic...Nah software gratisan yang mau Domoro share ini adalah Paket komplet dan yang paling baru dari Media Player Classic itu. Ini dia K-Lite Mega Codec Pack ...Dan sebenarnya, di dalamnya tu gak cuma ada Media Player Classic aja lho, tapi juga dari Real Media. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack ini adalah kumpulan dari DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, dan tools lainnya. Codecs dan DirectShow filters tersebut adalah komponen yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan proses encoding dan decoding dari file-file dengan format audio dan video. Dan lebih jauh lagi, di K-Lite Mega Codec Pack ini terdapat 2 paket (Pack) yang digabungkan sehingga menjadi paket kompleks yang sangat lengkap, yaitu : K-Lite Codec Pack Full Real Alternative Dengan penggabungan itu, K-Lite Mega Codec Pack dapat digunakan untuk membuka dan memainkan file-fil...








Knife | Sword | Axe | Mace | Staff | Spear Bow | Firearm | Throwing | Launcher

Install OS Leopard di Intel n AMD

Mac OS X merupakan salah satu sistem operasi yang merajai pasar OS dengan grafis dan support bagus. Sayangnya, sifatnya yang propietary menyulitkan kita untuk menginstallnya ke sebarang komputer. Hmm, tapi jangan khawatir. Sejumlah pakar (lebih tepatnya hacker ) telah berhasil mengutak-atik supaya bisa diinstall di PC ataupun notebook, berbasis Intel maupun AMD. Kali ini kami berkesempatan membagi Link Download Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 dari project OSX86 keluarga iDeneb. Link Download via HotFile:


RF Online Developer: CCR inc. Publisher: CCR inc. Fee: Free Status: Final Official Developer : CCR Inc


ACCRETIANS Accretia Cloak Recipe Jetpack [Chaos Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Jetpack [(Fire Resist) Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Jetpack [(Aqua Resist) Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Jetpack [(Terra Resist) Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Jetpack [(Wind Resist) Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Advanced Jetpack [Chaos Talic] Req (5) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Advanced Jetpack [(Fire Resist) Talic] Req (5) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Advanced Jetpack [(Aqua Resist) Talic] Req (5) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Advanced Jetpack [(Terra Resist) Talic] Req (5) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Advanced Jetpack [(Wind Resist) Talic] Req (5) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) BELLATO Bellato Cloak Recipe Jetpack [Chaos Talic] Req (1) + (1) + (99) + (99) + (1) Jetp...